What We Do
Our name is our mission:
Helping At Risk Kids, Inc (HARK) serves Buncombe County’s most vulnerable children and youth: those in court-ordered protective custody, kids aging out of the foster care system, and youngsters without stable housing. We fund basic, emergency, and child-specific enrichment needs as identified by caring social workers, school counselors, and guardians ad litem.
Funds are raised through community grants together with individual and corporate donations.
HARK, INC. is a non-profit (501(c)(3)) organization composed of volunteers and one part-time paid administrator.
We are primarily an all-volunteer nonprofit raising funds
through individual donations, corporate donations, and grants—
all to assist some of the most vulnerable children
and youth in Buncombe County.
How We Give Assistance
HARK is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. We are very good stewards of our financial resources. With one part-time paid staff and minimal overhead, most of our funding goes directly to the children we represent.
To receive assistance from HARK, a representative from a partnering agency submits a request form specifying the type of support needed. Requests are varied and specific to the individual child’s needs or wishes, running the gamut from books to a pair of glasses to tutoring to summer day camp – and more.
How We’re Different
Our streamlined process allows HARK’s volunteers to review and make determinations quickly to assist what is sometimes an emergent or time-sensitive situation. This unique process allows children in need to receive direct and immediate assistance, avoiding long wait times.
“Without the HARK's support we would not be able to provide needed resources to our students and families. This collaboration has assisted students and families by removing barriers so they can learn, attend school and school organized functions, summer camps and so much more. We are so blessed and thankful for this partnership!"
- Shannon Boyd, McKinney-Vento and Foster Care Coordinator and Director of the Buncombe County Schools Family Resource Center
Hundreds of children in Buncombe County
find themselves under the protective oversight
of social services each year or qualify under
McKinney-Vento as experiencing homelessness.
Over 50% of these children are seven
years of age or younger.
It takes a community to care for children who’ve experienced things kids should not experience in their young lives.
For children in the foster care system, most of their basic needs are met by the Department of Social Services. But the extras – the enrichment activities that nourish a child’s spirit, the things that make them feel “normal” – those desires, specific to each individual child and situation, may go unmet.
HARK’s mission is to help fulfill those needs and wishes sent to us by governmental and nongovernmental agencies on behalf of these children.
Our volunteers, many of them guardians ad litem, are devoted and relentless in their commitment to children who, through no fault of their own, have ended up in tough situations.
The Situation in Buncombe County
Most of the children/families served by Buncombe County Department of Social Services, the Guardians ad Litem program, and the McKinney-Vento initiative live in poverty.
Only licensed foster care providers receive full funding from the government. However, 30% of the children are placed with kinship providers, many of whom are not certified foster care parents resulting in some financial gaps regarding children’s needs.
Children’s unmet needs and desires are identified by frontline governmental and non-governmental agencies, other area nonprofits, guardians ad litem, caring social workers, and school counselors – who reach out to HARK on the child’s behalf.