HARK is thrilled and grateful to work with the following local partners to identify at risk children in need of financial support. We work directly with and through these organizations to distribute HARK funding.
Working Wheels
Literacy Together
Homeward Bound
OnTrack Financial Education and Counseling
Children’s Collaborative
Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church
BCS Family Resource Center
Eliada Homes
Guardians ad Litem of Buncombe County (District 40)
McKinney-Vento Program
Continuum of Care
YMCA Camp Waitia, Camp Cedar Cliff, Skillset Summer Camp, Blue Ridge Taekwondo, and other camps
Pisgah Legal Services
Project Lighten Up
Black Mountain Home for Children, Youth, and Families
Please note that all requests for assistance
must come through one of these partnering agencies.
Requests made directly from individuals will not be considered.