The Children We Serve

Your donations to HARK directly help at-risk kids have safer and happier childhoods.

About 50% of our funding is earmarked for enrichment activities such as camps, athletic programs, class field trips, school year-end activities, gymnastics, swimming lessons, and driver’s education. 

Other budgeted items include necessities such as clothing, school supplies, rent assistance, and educational needs such as tutoring and computers. 

The majority of children and families served by the Department of Social Services and the Guardians Ad Litem program live in poverty. HARK is devoted to meeting the needs of children, regardless of whether the child is in foster care or a kinship setting. 

View from behind of young child swinging on swing in park with sunlight shining through trees.
Two small children hugging with green shrubs in background.

In 2024, we fulfilled requests for
over 800 children and families in need.

Help us continue to serve even more.

Examples of Assistance

Here's a glimpse of the varied support we've offered, from providing urgent funding to enriching the lives of children.

  • Blue square graphic with line drawing of t-shirt with heart graphic.

    Emergency clothing for children removed from their home with only the clothes on their backs

  • Turquoise square graphic with blue line drawing of a box of toys with a teddy bear and robot inside.

    Beds, bedding and toys for siblings placed in court-ordered emergency kinship care

  • Yellow square graphic with blue silhouette of a person riding a horse.

    Therapeutic horseback riding camp for an abused child

  • Off white square graphic with blue line drawing of a baseball and bat.

    Sports equipment so a struggling child can join a team

  • Navy blue square graphic with white line drawing of two people with arms extended towards sun.

    A few weeks of summer camp

  • Turquoise square graphic with blue icon of adult and child at desk learing.

    Tutoring for a homeless child

  • Off white square graphic with blue line drawing of house and tree.

    Rent assistance to a family with school-age children on the verge of homelessness

  • Navy blue square graphic with yellow line drawing of a laptop computer.

    Laptop for a youth aging out of foster care and attending college

  • Yellow square grapic with blue line drawing of crib, mobile and clock on wall.

    Crib, diapers, car seat, stroller and supplies for an infant removed from an unsafe home and placed with unprepared family members

  • Blue square graphic with white silhouette icon of car.

    A car allowing an aged-out youth to travel to work from their group home

  • Blue square graphic with yellow line drawing of a stack of four books.


  • Yellow square icon with blue line drawing of person dancing and musical notes.

    Dance classes

  • Off white square graphic with dark blue line drawing of person kicking or dribbling soccer ball.

    Sports camp

  • Turquoise square graphic with blue line drawing of a backpack.

    Backpacks and school supplies

  • Navy blue square graphic with yellow line drawing of shoe with lines to indicate movement.

    Shoes that fit

To receive assistance from HARK, a representative from a partnering agency submits a request form specifying the type of support needed. The requests are varied and specific to the individual child’s needs or wishes.

Through our review process HARK funds are expediently shared to meet the wants and needs of the children we serve.

Please note that all requests for assistance must come through partnering agencies. Requests made directly from individuals will not be considered.